Section 1: Command Prompt Functions (Recommended OS: Windows)
Create new user with CMD (Command Prompt)
In the command prompt, type "net user (Username you want to add) /add " - This should be successful.
(To change the password with CMD, type "net user (Username) * " - Enter the password, then confirm it.)
Make your own Command Prompt
Open Notepad then copy and paste this:
title Command Prompt
Go to File than save as "CMD.bat" - Preferably on your desktop
You should then be able to open it, Boom!
How to unblock the CMD Prompt on the computer.
Step 1: Open Notepad
Step 2: Copy And Paste This
@echo off
@echo on
Step 3: Go to Save As...
Step 4: Where it says File name Type in this: Command.bat
Step 5: Save it on your desktop <- optional but recommended
Step 6: Close Notepad and open the file that you just saved
How to Un-Block A Website
Step 1: Open Notepad
Step 2: Copy And Paste This
@echo off
title web unblocker
Step 3: Go to Save As...
Step 4: Where it says File name type in this: WebsiteUnblocker.bat
Step 5: Save it on your desktop <- optional but recommended
Step 6: Close Notepad
Step 7: Open The File
Step 8: Type In The Website Name (Eg.
Step 9: Look For where it says Addresses (It will be a bunch of numbers)
Step 10: Open Your Internet Browser
Step 11: Type in 1 of the many addresses in to the Url Bar of your internet browser
(Your Number Should Look Like This But with different numbers:
Shutdown Someone Elses Computerrs
Step 1: Open The CMD Prompt
Step 2: In Cmd prompt type Shutdown -i
Step 3: Then Hit Enter [A window should pop up]
Step 4: Click On the Computer that you want to shutdown [It Is named by the account that is logged onto it]
Step 5: Click Shutdown!
(May not work if the permissions have been created by your network owners efficiently)
Force Shutdown Shortcut on Desktop
Step 1: Open Notepad
Step 2: Copy and Paste This
shutdown -s -t 30 -c "WARNING TROJAN DETECTED"
Step 3: Go to Save As...
Step 4: Where is says File name type in this: Shutdown.bat
Step 5: Save it on your desktop <- optional but recommended
Step 6: Close Notepad and Open The File Whenever You Want to shutdown